Thursday, July 15, 2010


Well, I managed to get a pair of shorts made for each of my daughters also finished up the lining for Sarah's dress. I'm feeling pretty accomplished right now. I have yet to make it to the snack bags, but my husband plays soccer on Thursday nights, so I should have some free time tonight to work on those.

Sarah's next dress fitting is on Saturday afternoon. After the fitting I will be able to attach the lining to the dress and will be entering the homestretch! YAY! I'm thrilled to be getting this dress made so far in advance. (the wedding is in early October). We'll still have time for an additional fitting closer to the wedding date in case the dress needs any further adjustments.

Next Monday I will be placing an order for fabric for the two bridesmaids dresses. This will be a fairly simple design, strapless with princess seams, ankle length. The dresses will be done in red satin with black accents. Provided the fabric takes no longer than three weeks to arrive, I will have approximately two months to complete the dresses. I'm very excited to be working on additional pieces for this wedding!

Check back soon for pictures of the wedding dress as I attach the lining and start pinning up the gathers. Maybe I'll even sneak one in there of Sarah's long as her fiancee agrees not to peek! ;-)


Rita said...

It feels great to get things accomplished, doesn't it? Sounds like you're keeping very busy sewing!

~Angela~ Eleventeen Apparel said...

Hi Rita!
Yes, things have been busy, just the way I like it!